
tisdag 29 december 2015

What happened to my 2014 favorites?

Året börjar lida mot sitt slut och det är snart dags att publicera min lista över årets favoriter, men först tänkte jag ta en liten återblick till dom som blev klassade som favoriter förra året och se vad som hänt med dom. Eftersom det här är tredje året i rad jag gör det här så får man väl säga att det blivit en tradition.

Jag tänkte som sagt ta en koll på om jag faktiskt använt dom där som jag tyckte allra bäst om förra året igen eller om dom ens finns kvar i min samling. Sanning och säga så brukar den här listan bli ganska pinsam. Den brukar få mig att inse att jag kanske borde använda dom där lacken som står i lådorna lite oftare och kanske dra ner på inköp av nya, men å andra sidan varför det när det finns så mycket nytt och fint!

Jag brukar dela upp mina favoriter i färger och finishar och så blir ju även det här inlägget då.

Nå i alla fall resterande text i inlägget kommer att bli på engelska så jag slipper att skriva dubbelt under varje bild.

The year is coming to an end and it's almost time to publish my list of this year's favorites, but first I intend to take a little look back to those who were classed as favorites last year and see what has happened to them. This is the third year I'm doing this so one can say that it has become a tradition.

I thought, as I said to take a track of whether I actually used those I liked the very most of last year again or if they even remains in my collection. Truth be told usually this list can be quite embarrassing. It tends to make me realize that maybe I should use the favorites a bit more and maybe cut down on the purchase of new, but on the other hand why when there are so many new and pretty ones out there!

I divide my top lists in colors and finishes so that's how I will list this one too. 

So let's start!


Well, this is Mentality Legislate and yes it's a great color, but we all know the drama around Mentality so no I don't have this polish anymore it's been thrown at the recycling yard. 


Depend 2080 I still have it but hasn't used it again. 


Mentality Brute I love this color, but this bottle is at the recycling yard and not in my stash anymore.


OPI Warm & Fozzie no it hasen't been used.


Powder Perfect The Clave I'm glad to say that I have been using this again.


Depend 426 a gorgeous green that I for some reason hasn't used since I showed it on the blog.


Glam Polish Ba-Na-Na! This was included in my top 5 yellow polishes so yes I have used it again.


Depend 419 and no it hasn't been used.


Pretty Serious My Darlin' Clementine another beautiful polish that I haven't used.


OPI Girls Love Ponies and finally another polish that has been used again!


Smitten Polish Nose So Bright and now I'm ashamed because this has not been used again. I was going to wear it on Christmas Eve, but changed my mind at the last minute.


Zoya Remy, no not used.


Rainbow Honey Nyx has been used several times actually!


Etude House Play #130 another one that sadly hasn't been used again.

So on this first list of my favorites from 2014 only 4 of 14 has been used again that is only 28%. Shame on me!!

5 kommentarer :

  1. These are all super pretty but I love the Etude House polish, makes me think of decorated cake and dolls houses and party dresses! :D

  2. That orange Pretty Serious is super pretty!

  3. It's nice to see that you also have the same dilemma :)

  4. Det är så typiskt att man så sällan använder sina favoriter, men kanske inte så konstigt när lådorna svämmar över av otestade lack. :-)

  5. Legislate is my favorite Mentality. I haven't been able to throw mine out yet, but I won't use it either!


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